What is the Difference Between Pleated and Non-Pleated Air Filters for an Air Conditioner?

When it comes to air filters for air conditioners, there are two main types: pleated and non-pleated. Both of these can effectively capture lint, dust, and insects, but pleated filters offer a much higher level of filtration and are much more efficient at trapping microscopic particles in the air. In addition to lint, dust, and insects, pleated filters can also filter pollen, mold, dust mites, bacteria, and pet dander. Pleated air filters are made of a flexible material such as polyester, cotton, or paper that is folded to look like an accordion and housed in a cardboard frame.

This stiffness is beneficial because it prevents the filter from bending or warping while the air conditioner is running. The much larger surface area of the pleated material provides more material to trap air pollutants, resulting in a higher maximum accumulation limit. On the other hand, non-pleated filters generally allow greater airflow than pleated ones. However, this comes at the cost of lower filtration efficiency.

While fiberglass air filters work in the most basic way, in most cases, pleated air filters are much better. You can test the effectiveness of your pleated air filters thanks to their Minimum Efficiency Value (MERV) rating. When selecting an air filter for your air conditioning system, it is important to consider several factors such as cost, airflow, and filtration efficiency. Achieving a balance between all of these factors is critical for ensuring optimal performance from your air conditioner.

Over time, the air filters in your home's ventilation system and boiler will need to be replaced or problems with air flow will arise. In conclusion, pleated air filters offer a much higher level of filtration than non-pleated ones and are much more efficient at capturing microscopic particles suspended in the air. They also provide a higher maximum accumulation limit than non-pleated filters. However, non-pleated filters generally allow greater airflow than pleated ones. When selecting an air filter for your air conditioning system, it is important to consider several factors such as cost, airflow, and filtration efficiency.

Earnest Kleen
Earnest Kleen

Hipster-friendly travel ninja. Infuriatingly humble music enthusiast. Typical pizza ninja. Lifelong coffee specialist. Lifelong tv scholar.

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