How Long Do Fiberglass Air Filters Last? - An Expert's Guide

Fiberglass air filters are the more economical option, but they are not as effective at capturing dust and particles in the air. Generally, they need to be changed every 30 days or less. While they work in the most basic way, pleated air filters are much better at trapping the smallest particles, which is important for people with airborne sensitivities. Pleated air filters are slightly more expensive, but they can last up to 6 months and are recyclable in most communities, making them a great choice for those who care about the environment. As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to replace pleated filters every 90 days.

Electrostatic or washable filters should be washed, dried, and reinstalled once a month. Washable filters are more environmentally friendly and, if properly cleaned and reused, can last 5 to 10 years. It is generally advised to change residential air filters every 30 days if regular fiberglass filters are used. When air filters don't change, dust, pollen, dirt, and other contaminants accumulate and reduce filter efficiency. Air filters are a critical piece of equipment used to protect the air conditioning system, keep it running smoothly, and help maintain clean air flow in the home.

The type of filter will have a major impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of your air conditioning system. The right filters will greatly benefit your comfort and your budget. However, while the most affordable fiberglass air filter may seem like a good idea for your budget, it may not always be the best option for your home, your air conditioning system, or your family's health. Air filters also collect and trap air pollutants, such as dust, dirt, pet dander, and pollen, to help clean the air that circulates around the house. However, they are inadequate compared to pleated filters when it comes to filtering smaller air pollutants, such as pollen, pet dander, and bacteria. Fiberglass filters allow greater airflow because they have less surface area than pleated filters and allow smaller particles to pass through them.

If you're ready to find the right air filter for your oven or air conditioner unit, you can search by filter size or by MERV rating. In some air conditioning systems, a pleated filter may be too powerful; it will restrict airflow and reduce the energy efficiency of the system. When you reach that point (the layer of dust or dirt covers most of the surface of the filter and the filter material is darkened), it's time to change it. A pleated filter is an air filter made of a flexible material (polyester, cotton, or paper) that folds to look like an accordion and is housed in a cardboard frame. Fiberglass air filters have low airflow resistance, making them popular in residential homes. They provide basic protection to stop particles and are generally less resistant than pleated filters; they are not designed to last long.

However, when changed regularly they allow greater airflow because they have less surface area than pleated filters. The most important thing to remember about air filters is to change them regularly. Keep in mind that the type of filter will have a big impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of your air conditioning system.

Earnest Kleen
Earnest Kleen

Hipster-friendly travel ninja. Infuriatingly humble music enthusiast. Typical pizza ninja. Lifelong coffee specialist. Lifelong tv scholar.

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